Volunteer Sign Up
Help prep and install an amazing native garden at the corner of Scudder and Woodbine Ave.
“LILCO Beautification Project” – Volunteers Needed
NNGI will be planting a native garden along the property of the LILCO building on the corner of Woodbine and Scudder Avenues in downtown Northport. It’s a fairly large project – one designed to beautify, educate, and of course, provide a beneficial habitat for our pollinators. We need your help!
The Project will require two days – a Prep day and an Installation day. Please review what is required for participation for each of these events and then sign up for whichever day or days you feel you would enjoy and be suited for.
Prep Day – Monday, September 19th at 5:30pm (meet at Brew Cheese)
This part of the Project is labor intensive. We need volunteers who will be able to handle the physical demands of the job, including:
Carrying 40 – 50 pound bags
Digging and breaking up hard soil
Removing debris
Cutting and removing tree roots
Spreading topsoil and compost
Please bring your own equipment if you have it
Shovels – large and small
Rakes – for leveling dirt
Installation Day – Sunday, September 25th at 8:30am (meet at Brew Cheese)
This will be the day that plants will be planted according to an established design. We need volunteers who would be willing to:
Watch a short video as to the optimal way to place new plants in the ground
Properly dig and place each plant in its designated spot
Please bring your own equipment if you have it
Shovels – large and small
Rakes – for leveling dirt