Please let us know if your butterfly weed has not emerged by 5/28. We can exchange purchased potted plants (must not have been planted in the ground).
We can exchange at the upcoming farmers market.

Ocean Avenue Outdoor Classroom

This is what it is all about. A chance to add more native plants into our community and impart their importance on the next generation. In what was a true community effort NNGI, Ocean Avenue School, and the Ocean Avenue PTA planned, designed, and installed a beautiful outdoor classroom for the students to use.

NNGI had a head start in planning with the help of Seatuck who collaborated earlier with students to plan a native planting in the area. With that plan as a jumping off point we adjusted based on the availability of plants and the rather dry conditions of the area to create what should be a successful habitat for all of our native fauna including butterflies, bees, and other insects.

Next time you are at the Ocean Avenue playground take a walk through the garden and see if you can find some monarch caterpillars munching away on their host plant, Asclepius tuberosa, the aptly named butterfly milkweed. You can also take a look (but don’t touch) at our very own native cactus, the eastern prickly pear with its beautiful yellow flowers throughout the late spring.

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