Making a difference, one garden at a time. New slogan? No, but hopefully a phrase you have started to consider! We can all make a difference and there is no garden too small when it comes to a positive environmental impact. Let us introduce you to two new installations that you can enjoy while strolling down Main Street in downtown Northport.
Girl Scout Troop 1574
NNGI is approached every year by Girl and Boy Scout troops and asked about the possibility of environmental projects and considerations. We absolutely love hearing the interest and engagement from local youth!
Last year, one of the projects we partnered to install was a garden at the end of the harbor in one of the small triangular spaces adjacent to the exit of the north parking lot. Unintentionally, these plants were removed this past spring by some of the Village staff. The troop leaders notified NNGI and we worked together, with the Village of Northport, to rectify the situation. We share this story not to look poorly on any party, but as an opportunity.
We, at NNGI, strive to educate in various ways. We decided that this time around we would send a ‘Maintenance & Care’ presentation to the Village staff to keep on hand for all seasons. We hope this helps identify the plants in their growth stages in addition to how to care for each plant throughout the year. Aftercare, we are learning, is an important piece to educate our community about. NNGI recognizes the need for relatable, easy to read documents and we plan to include this for all new projects installed moving forward.
Last week we installed this sweet garden with Troop 1574 and it could not have been a smoother process working together. Thank you to the Girl Scouts for caring enough about our environment and to the Village of Northport for their prompt attention to the situation. The saying goes: “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” Three guesses for which famous character said this!
Check it out at the foot of Main Street – look for the ‘Girl Scout’ sign in the space. Enoy these before and after photos

Northport Historical Society: The Skidmore House
NNGI was approached by the Northport Historical Society Co-President, Carolyn Hyatt, earlier this year about two projects: designing a plan for plantings for the newly renovated Skidmore house and for the Northport Historical Society building itself. Last week, NNGI installed plantings around the Skidmore house.
A generous donation to the Northport Historical Society, the Skidmore House was recently renovated both on the interior and exterior. The Historical Society Board has been supportive of our work within the community, but what better way than to practice what you preach!
Through our meetings and work with Carolyn, we identified plants that we felt would perform well in the space that would also adhere to aesthetic preferences for the different planting beds. Last week, we helped to install new shrubs and perennials at the Skidmore House. Irrigation ready to go and a serious watering immediately after planting (so much rain for 4 days!), the beds are looking great.
Thank you to the Northport Historical Society Board for supporting the environment! We look forward to our next collaboration with them, namely the Society’s main building. We are thrilled to partner with community organizations, businesses and municipalities.